Friday, March 4, 2011

This Week I...

Paid $150 for my IT guy to come install my scanner. After about 4 minutes, he told me my scanner was already installed. I had just not plugged it in correctly. Awesome. Reminds me of the time I took my car into the shop because the check engine light was on and they told me that my gas cap wasn't screwed on tight enough.

Dropped off the custom tables my carpenter made for some clients. Clearly it is not accessorized BUT wanted to show you an attractive way to store oodles and oodles of toys.

Helped my talented builder friend Richard Jackson of Jackson Built Custom Homes and his super sweet clients with a design dilemma. The clients were worried about the massive, super wide living room bookcases...they didn't want to have to fill it up with large amounts of chotchkies! I thought it was super smart of them to be thinking of that in the construction phase. Most people don't do that much forward thinking then they are stuck with either empty shelves or shelves filled with (pardon me) crap. The solution was an altered version of this set-up mimicking what is above the fireplace then working around windows and using some amazing architectural corbels on open shelving.
Southern Living

It is gonna be GORGEOUS!

Finally saw the installed wine racks (technically champagne riddling racks) that we hung for my client's who are wine enthusiasts (aren't we all?). I know it's a terrible picture...hard to see and still not finished. I'll have the money shot later on!

Saw a Goose hangin' with the turtles. I wonder what they talk about? (If you are reading for the first time...I see these turtles each time I go visit a client. They are usually lined up in a row, in order, by size. Not kidding. So cute!)

Don't forget to stop by Eclectic Finds and do some shopping!

Have a great weekend!!!
