Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Does anyone watch Jerseylicious? No, not Jersey Shore it is the low-budge knock off. Well I did for the first time last night. OMG. Now I will throw out a disclaimer because I realize that not everyone in or from Jersey is like this. Just like everyone from Georgia is not a toothless redneck who says "ain't." But this show (however fake it may be) does make me laugh. On the episode I watched last night, the two girls that live together redecorated their apartment. I wish I knew how to show you a picture of the after (if someone has it, please email it to me so I can add it!!!). But it went a lil' somethin' like this...

These are not direct quotes but I was frantically trying to write down what they were saying about their makeover and this was all I could capture...

"There are rules, you can't just put animal print on animal print."
Um, really?

"We call it Junglelicious!"
I think I just vomited in my mouth.
