Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happiness is. . . Living close to the ones you Love

Years ago, I moved to Toronto for a relationship. My career wasn’t going as well as I’d hoped and I thought being in a new city would be good for me. Boy was I wrong—I lasted 9 months before I moved right back home [Vancouver]. One of the reasons why I was so unhappy was being away from my sisters and my mom whom I’m very close to.

imageThen when I read Penelope Trunk’s post in which she wrote ‘If you move away from your friends and family because you believe money will buy happiness, you’d need to have a salary increase of at least $133,000 in order to have a net positive impact on your happiness from that move’.

I love her blog and wished I had it to read back then when making dumb choices like moving away from my family. One hour away (I’m a city girl and they are in the burbs) is far enough.

image Image source

I just read another post with The Happiness Project, where Gretchen Rubin wrote that one question she gets a lot is, “If you had to pick just one thing, what would be the one secret to a happy life?” The answer is clear: strong bonds with other people. If I had to pick one thing, that’s it. The wisdom of the ages and the current scientific studies agree on this point.”


I have also learned that being happy is a gift that you give to people around you. When you are happy, it gives people around you (i.e. spouse/children) the freedom to make decisions and live their life without having to spend their time worrying about you.

image My mom’s name is Hellen and being around her makes me happy!

Since it’s American Thanksgiving I thought I’d link up this post to Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday! Click here to see some more beautiful tablescapes!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American Readers!! Have a great weekend! Remember to kiss and hug the ones you love now that they are with you (even if they aren't all the time)!

Related posts:

Happiness is. . . Having amazing Friends!

Happiness is. . . Living life to the Fullest

10 Commandments for a Happy Chic Home
