Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mom's Day!

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. Tenneva Jordan

This [quote] is my mother, she is the most generous person I've ever known. Generous also in that she is the first to forgive and forget and take the high road. She very rarely gossips and hates it when anyone around her says something bad about someone else. (And we are definitely not allowed to gossip about another sister when she is around--there are 4 of us :)

images from flickr

I subscribe to Gwyneth Paltrow's blog 'Goop' and a few weeks ago I received a great post about gossip. She once asked the editor of a tabloid newspaper why all the stories about a famous British couple had a negative bent. He said that when the headline was positive, the paper didn't sell.

My mom & 3 sisters at her 60th Birthday Party

She also included the best definition of gossip I've ever heard from the prophet Mohammed; Gossip is saying anything about anyone which, if they were to hear you say it, they would be hurt and you would be ashamed.

Words to live by. Happy Mother's Day mom, you are the best mom in the world!

Related posts:

Happiness is. . . a Happy Wife (every man should read this one)
